Coffee rust alert system

Laying the foundations for a Regional Early Warning System for Coffee Rust

Context of the story

From a socioeconomic point of view, coffee in Central America and the Dominican Republic represents the most important production in the agricultural sector. Coffee rust has been present in Central America since 1976 but has never affected production in the region so seriously as in the 2012-13 cycle. It is estimated that the currency loss for the countries of the region was $ 500 million USD in 2012-13 and around $ 375 million USD in the following campaign. Losses due to the impact of rust are estimated to be between 15 and 20% of production in the region as a whole for these two years, respectively. In Central America and the Caribbean, more than 70% of coffee producers are smallholders.

Regional Early Warning System for Rust and other Important Coffee Pests

The implemented initiative

The project systematized knowledge about the management of rust information in countries of the region, training technical capacities in each country for rust information management, developed a REWS model for rust to be implemented in subsequent projects, and trained technicians, decision-makers and producers in its use. Emphasis was placed on systematizing research results of the climatic factor as a risk factor, since at the moment, it is believed that there is a direct relationship between meteorological conditions and the rust epidemic, but there is no precise knowledge of the conditions that caused such a strong outbreak. Common tools were established that will make it possible to compare results in the region.

Regional Early Warning System for Rust and other Important Coffee Pests

The technological solution

The REWS proposed: 1.Evaluate the threat of a coffee rust outbreak, with an agronomic, economic and social impact on places and populations, and its possible spread in the region. 2. Offer timely, accurate and useful information to all affected groups for decision-making on how to respond at the level of decision-makers, technicians, and producers. 3. Propose actions to respond to the immediate threat, mitigate its impact and take measures to avoid future crises.

The Regional Early Warning System will help to react in time, mitigating the impact of rust.
Muhammad Ibrahim


Theoretical bases were generated to develop and implement a Regional Early Warning System for coffee rust and other important diseases. The damage caused by rust is expected to decrease to less than 5%. Technical capacity was generated in the region to design and model early warning systems for pests and diseases.

Farmers potentially benefited
Farmers potentially benefited
Regional experts
Regional experts
Training workshops
Training workshops
Technical publications
Technical publications

Participating Organizations

PROMECAFE - IICA - Guatemala
Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE) - Costa Rica
IHCAFE - Honduras
Instituto del Café de Costa Rica  (ICAFE) - Costa Rica
Consejo Dominicano del Café (CODOCAFE) - República Dominicana
MIDA - Panamá
Asociación Nacional del Café  (ANACAFE) - Guatemala
Junta Nacional del Café (JNC) - Perú
Fundación Salvadoreña para Investigaciones de Café (PROCAFE) - El Salvador

Main donors
